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Buku Log Interpretation

Log Int_1




Jual satu paket buku berseri Log Interpretation by Schlumberger


On Exploration wells, after the logs have been made, some quick answers are needed: what formations are potential hydrocarbon producers? Will it be gas or oil? Approximate volumetric evaluation? In the case of development wells, the main interest usually is for an accurate evaluation of the volume of hydrocarbon.

In some cases the logs provide obvious answers to this type of question. A study of the logs is needed. It can be a “quick look” interpretation when rapid answers are needed. It can be a detailed analysis, manual, or computer-processed. In all cases log interpretation requires a good knowledge of the behavior of the logging tools and their limitations.

Description of the logging tools is given in the Schlumberger “Log Interpretation Principles”.

Satu paket terdiri dari 6 Buku:

  1. The Essential of Log Interpretation Practice
  2. Log Interpretation Principles
  3. Log Interpretation Charts 1972 Edition
  4. Log Interpretation Charts 1979 Edition
  5. Log Interpretation Volume I – Principles
  6. Log Interpretation Volume II – Application

By: Schlumberger Limited 277 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017

Bahasa: Inggris

Cover: softcover

Dimensi total: 28x22x6 cm

Berat total: 2350 gram

Kondisi fisik buku: sangat baik, jumlah halaman lengkap, warna kertas agak kuning tapi bersih.

Harga satu paket: Rp. 600.000,- di babedanishan